Tuesday 2 October 2012

What a Summer!!!

Well we've had an incredible summer at Dig Deep, despite the weather. The wheat field has grown fantastically, some frogs have arrived in our pond and our clay bricks have cured in the newly rebuilt cob oven. 

Volunteer Frances inspects the wheat field in spring for signs of rust and weeds.

Our pond acquires its first resident

The newly rebuilt cob oven

Volunteers Steve, Lel, Frances, Gary and Annie proudly show off the clay bricks they've made using a brick former constructed by Volunteer Neil, It works a treat!

The wheat has finally grown ears, watch this space for harvest time.

A group Photo taken when Volunteer Russell (Tall chap at the back) had his last day with us.

It's always sad to see a friend leave the group but we were very happy when our resident frog had brought his chum along for a swim!